Green Web Foundation

In: Accountability, Causes

The Green Web Foundation is an independent non-profit that tracks how much of the internet runs on green energy.

They maintain the world’s largest open dataset of websites that run on green energy and offer open source tools to manage the environmental impact of digital services. They also support movement leaders and policymakers to effectively frame the conversation and advocate for a sustainable and just internet.

You can show off your website’s green credentials using a badge the Green Web Foundation provides:

Pros & Cons

Provides a green web check
Maintains a green hosting directory
Supports movement leaders and policymakers
It can take time for some hosting providers to become verified green

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We always want to meet more ethical technology partners.

Need help or support?

We’ve all been there. Support for our website customers is now managed on a ticketing system, to make sure you get the help you need as quickly as possible.

Sending an email automatically creates a support ticket.