User Experience

Experiences your customers will love

Understanding how people behave online. When you find the intersection between what you want users to do on your website, and what the users themselves want to do, your website should succeed.

What is User Experience?

User Experience (or UX for short) is a methodology for understanding the different people who use your products, services, or website and then designing experiences specifically around their behaviour and motivations. Find out why UX is important for every business.

Just like in the offline world, people behave in different, sometimes unexpected ways online. You can’t always guess what the users of your website will do until you let them loose on it. Thankfully, we know what signals to look out for that can help you understand these behaviours and design better solutions.

Sometimes, the way websites are designed is cumbersome, and people find quicker ways, just like in this example of a pavement making people walk the long route. Users take the quickest path, that of least resistance.

Sometimes, websites are designed to intentionally force certain behaviours, but people inevitably find a quicker way.

Taking the time to understand your users, plan around them, design solutions for them and (critically) test these solutions can create huge benefits for your business and your customers. You can read more UX insights or explore this page further.

The benefits of User Experience Design

There are few hard and fast rules when it comes to people’s behaviour, but our rule of thumb is that when you take the time to understand your customers and design solutions for them, you should see an improvement in three key areas:



By spending time to make things easier for your users, you make them more likely to return again and again, and rave about you to people they know.



When users can complete their desired actions, they are less likely to contact you for help, or to complain. This reduces the load on support staff and allows you to focus your time more effectively.



UX removes barriers for your users. Fewer hurdles mean that they are much more likely to make it through your registration form, online checkout or contact process.

Trusted by some amazing organisations

Select a logo to see a corresponding case study, where available.


Proudly award-winning

We’re happy to say we’ve been recognised for our efforts to make better websites that are easier to use.

UX Specialists of the Year
Best User-Focused Web Design Company
Award for Excellence in UX Design

Our UX Specialisms

These are just some of the steps we take to deliver a great experience. Not every one will be applicable to every project or situation, instead we talk through your needs and individual circumstances to design a programme of work that fits with your needs and budget.

User Research

User Research is important to inform the decisions you make when considering Experience Design. Good practice can only take you so far, sometimes you need to hear what your customers want directly from them.


Personas are fictional representations of your user types. Built using insight from real people, they’re a great way to remember and focus on the needs of the most important people – your customers – and ensure that everything you do is done with them in mind.


Information Architecture is the art and science of organizing and labelling websites, intranets, online communities and software to support usability and findability. Easy navigation means easy to use.

User Journeys

Not every user does the same thing when navigating through your website or app. User Journeys plot out the paths and actions so you can identify where to focus your attention and plan a programme of improvements.


All great ideas start with a sketch. Perhaps on a napkin? We start all our ideas with sketches as they allow us to iterate quickly, demonstrate ideas and rapidly identify ideas that aren’t working to prevent your valuable time and effort going down a rabbit hole.


Quicker and cheaper to produce than designs, wireframes are drawings of your website or app that focus on the user interaction and journey, before time is spent designing them up properly.


Sometimes, flat designs don’t do the interactions in your website or app justice. Creating interactive prototypes is a great way to test the flow of your screens with your staff and users.

Customer Experience

Customer Experience is concerned with all the interactions that customers have with your brand, regardless of how they choose to make them. Online, offline, they should all be consistent.

Service Design

Service Design is like internal UX – it improves the lives of customers and employees by planning and organizing people, infrastructure and communications to improve service and interaction quality for customers.


"Ethical Pixels was wonderful and helpful with their UX review of my photography website. They were quick to respond to questions and emails and explained everything in detail. The report pinpointed the holes in my website and gave detailed recommendations of varying levels to implement. I would highly recommend them and would use them again."
Lisa Lander,
"It takes a real skill to get inside the heads of our users, and help us to understand them better. Not to mention design a solution that looks good while changing almost all the aspects of a site these users were accustomed to. We've had no pushback from our customers, which is almost unheard of for a project like this, and the UKGE website is now at the cutting edge. Ethical Pixels helped keep our team and suppliers user-focused and on task, we look forward to working with them on future developments."
Tony Hyams,
"Ethical Pixels has been so helpful with a UX review of our website and online processes. They have been speedy to respond to questions and emails and explained everything in clear and common sense ways. The report identified a number of areas for improvement which are now underway with their support and assistance."
Jared Hodgson,
"Ethical Pixels truly exceeded our expectations! Larry not only understood the core of the project but also delivered a top-notch UI/UX revision promptly and affordably. Exceptional work! I would absolutely recommend!"
Vicky Fuller,

UX Projects

Examples of projects where our UX process made a difference, and the results.

Hope at Home

UK Games Expo website

Want to talk?

If you think we might make something amazing together, why not get in touch with us to discuss your next project? We don’t do hard sell, it’s no obligation and no pressure.

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Sending an email automatically creates a support ticket.